Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Raw vs Jpeg

Raw Vs Jpeg

What are three advantages of a RAW file
Bigger file, get everything

What is one disadvantage of a RAW file
since its so big its hard to share

What are three advantages of a JPEG file
good for fast shots, good for sharing

What is one disadvantage of a JPEG file
compresses file

Jpeg: A compressed standard format for a universal use

Raw: Original file for showing the full extent of your picture

 how much of the data does a RAW file retain after it is captured by the camera?
 what are some of the things that a RAW file enables a photographer to edit after the image is taken?
in photoshop it does not take away from the photo like a jpeg does
what are some of the factors that photographers must consider when deciding to shoot in RAW?
has to be a calm picture and a big disk for storage
 why would an aspiring professional photographer need to know how to work with RAW files?
because you might need to know how they work and what to know about them

Make a list of three occasions it would be better to shoot in RAW.
still, calm photo like nature or architecture, formal portraits and anything still or not moving very fast

Make a list of three occasions it would be better to shoot in JPEG.
sporting event, birthday party? and anything that is fast

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